Sunday, March 15, 2009

Busy Saturday and Sunday

My Mom and sister, Hillary, came down this weekend to visit and shop. I had to work Saturday so Mom and Hill had the pleasure of watching Lucas for a few hours. Jon had to go into HyVee for awhile and when he got home, Mom and Hill did a little shopping on their own. After I got off work we headed down to the Lake of the Ozarks to get some shopping in. Children's Place was having a huge sale on their winter items so I bought Lucas some new things for this fall and winter. Could I really pass up a fleece pullover for $1.99? Jon was on the hunt for new work shoes, which he did find. His old ones were looking pretty bad. After browsing through too many stores to count, Lucas let us all know that it was time to stop shopping. By the time we got home it was already after 7pm and Lucas needed to eat supper and get ready for bed. Mom and Hill went back to the hotel and we decided to meet for breakfast Sunday morning at HyVee.

Sunday morning was just like any morning for me, fighting with Lucas to get out of the bathtub, getting him dressed, putting on his shoes...when will it ever be simple. I thought breakfast would go ok but Lucas doesn't like sitting in the highchair for more then 20 minutes. So Grandma took him for a walk while the rest of us finished up our meal. After breakfast Mom and Hill hit the road headed back to Maryville and I needed a few things from the store. I try and be a nice Mommy and let Lucas ride in the themed carts. Lucky for us there was one left. Lucas does ok the first couple of isles but then he gets bored. He tries to stand while I push the cart, is constantly moving around and I keep asking nicely for him to sit on his bottom before he falls out. I wanted to get a movie for Jon and I so we walked over to the Redbox. While picking out a movie, Lucas is standing and leaning out the side of the cart. He is only 6-8inches off the ground while in the cart. The next thing I know, he goes head first onto the floor. The screaming and tears begin. I try to console but have to remind him that I warned him of what was to come if he didn't sit down. When we got home from grocery shopping I noticed the goose egg that was starting to form on Lucas' forehead. A perfect circle turning shades of purple and blue.

The afternoon brought the Duff's more visitors. Shelly and Jacob Carpenter came over while Matt was at a reunion. Jacob is so sweet and has the cutest smile. I think this is the second time we've gotten to see him. Lucas is very jealous when I hold other babies and has to be sitting on my lap the whole time I try and hold another baby. We decided to go for lunch at Chili's and had a really nice time. We finished our meals and Shelly had to go and pick up Matt. We said our good-byes and we went home. After laundry and working out, Jon and I finally got to sit down and watch the movie I had rented. Transporter 3. Not a bad flick. I hope everyone has a good week. We will be in town this coming weekend. Hope to see everyone.


Mariah said...

ha! those pictures make him look like he is onery.. i think thats how you spell that haha! But we all know that little lucas is just a perfect angel :)

The Duffs said...

Hey, we'll be up in Maryville this weekend, too! :)

Anonymous said...

Something tells us that Lucas is going to be like his dad -- always have a knot on his head! See you this weekend.

Love Gramma and Grandad