Lucas never ceases to amaze me but last night during bath time, he decides to stick his face in the water. Why did he do this? I'm not sure. I then tried to teach him how to blow bubbles but he kept doing it when he'd raise his face. I guess it's still pretty good for a 13 month old. I guess my next plan of attack is to get him in swimming lessons. There is a YMCA here in town so I will see if they have an indoor pool. I better do it now before he is terrified of the water.
Nothing new or exciting for me or Jon. The weather here is apparently much better then in Maryville. Today we were in the 50's and I think it's supposed to be like that the rest of the week. I'm sure our time is coming. Enjoy the pictures of Lucas with his face in the water. Everyone take care.
YEAH -- a grandson that loves water! I hope he stays that way so we can go white water rafting. Of course I might be to old by then! Yes it is cold in Maryville.
Thanks for the pictures -- it made my day! Love Gramma
I must say that is rather funny! Ha I had to laugh out loud literally! Well hope all is well and don't be wearing my makeup! :P See you soon
<3 Mariah
What a goof. Just like his Daddy!
These are adoreable pictures! Looks like bath time is fun! Lucas is so stinkin cute. Keep the pictures coming, we love seeing updates.-Erika
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