Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Family Guy"

I am embarrassed to say but my 13 month old child is obsessed with Family Guy. He will completely stop what he is doing as soon as he hears the theme song. He is on a mad crawl or sprint to get to the TV so he doesn't miss a second. Once the show starts he is all eyes. The pictures I am posting are from last night. He is in the zone.


Mariah said...

this is silly haha! what a goof!

Jenny said...

Good thing he doesn't understand it yet! You would have a lot of explaining to do at the sitters!

Richie, Andrea, and Connor said...

I loved the way he crosses his feet!!

Anonymous said...

He is such a character! I know that afternoon we were there he came crawling around the chair to watch it.

Lucas "Bubba" Duff said...

He is totally obsessed. He is now dancing to the theme song and trying to sing along.

Kolton (K-Dub) Jensen said...

Glad to know Kolton is not the only little man to love unrolling the toilet paper! Hope this is a good way to keep in touch and watch our boys grow...